Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mountain Cabin Studio

Local artist and my friend Sherida Holland embraces the digital age as she seeks to use crowd funding and her original art to save her family’s historic log cabin in Montana for future generations and artists retreats.  She recently returned to Melrose, Montana to find the 133 year old cabin boarded up and in bad disrepair.  She had always imagined the cabin being around not only for her own grandchildren, but also for other artists who might like to retreat there to take in the beauty of nature and be inspired by the bounty of Montana. 

Sherida has the skills to create new floor plans and renderings of a revitalized cabin, but she lacked the funding to save the cabin. Thus was born the idea of using crowd funding (the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet) to raise the necessary capital to restore the cabin and turn it into an art retreat where she could share her Montana “slice of heaven” with others.

Her campaign, with perks of her art painted in Montana, and future stays at the cabin, launches today!  Please check out her site which has all the details of her campaign plus pictures of her wonderful art that she is giving away as her perks.  

You can also check out her website where she is keeping a blog on the progress of her campaign and the developments at the studio.

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